duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

Something More

"Where we go when hope runs out?
When we are empty
when there's nothing left"

"Sometime I get so tired
just trying to find a place, to lay my head
I look up to the sky
I fell the warmest light comfort me,
I've seen the great heights,
reminding me.. I'm alive,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day, or night
I know there's something more
than what we're living for
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shores,
I know there's something,
I know there's something more.

I think we're all afraid
that we might be alone
alone down here,
we all want to have some faith,
at least that's true in my case,
to just believe,
I've seen the great height,
reminding me... I'm alive,
I don't wanna die
I don't wanna waste another day, or night,
I know there's something more
than what we're living for
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shores,
I know there's something,

This world may crumble,
into the ocean,
it could all end tonight,
I undermined You,
then tried to find You,
my only source of Light,

Breathing I am...
Breathing I am...Alive !"

"When I was 10 years old, I tried to commit suicide
I had lost my hope, I tried to drown myself but I couldn't do it
God had a plan for my life, to give hope to other people
trought my story"

4 comentarii:

  1. e incredibil...urmaresc de mult timp filmuletele lui...probabil nimeni nu s-ar fi gandit ca o persoana cu tetra-amielie va deveni un trainer de o asemenea valoare...makes you wanna fight more and move on...

    1. Eu am aflat de el in urma cu 4 ani cand eram insarcinata si am vazut filmul "Life without limbs".
      Pe atunci eram recunoascatoare lui Dumnezeu ca sunt intreaga ca am maini si picioare. Insa intre timp mi-am dat seama ca nu asta e diferenta dintre mine si el. Ci atitudinea in fata vietii.
      Am vazut toate filmele si discursurile lui si e unul din exemplele mele in viata.
      Am vazut la tine pe blog ca ai cunostinte medicale. Si profesezi sau doar studiezi?

  2. Emouvant... multumesc ca ai l-ai impartasit cu noi:)

  3. Raluca, cu drag impartasesc cu voi ce-mi place mie.
