miercuri, 18 decembrie 2013

A Letter to a Mommy

 Please, don't cry mommy

I am here. I hear you. I see you.
I see your eyes, I see your tears,  your heart.
I see your everyday struggles and your every night dreams.
I hear your wisper, your pain, your scream.
Please don't cry, mommy. I'm in a better world, different from yours.
This is no pain, no fear, no suffering
I'm here with Him. with my Creator.
Please, don't cry mommy.
We are not separated. You and I still belong each other. A part of me remained in you, forever.
Since I was in your womb, I was spread throughout your body, while I'm fed up with your cells, taking shape in a wonderful way...
I know you from the moment I sipped life from you
Your breath and your heart beat was my everyday symphony. I loved you from the first time. Remember? I'm part of you
Ohh, mommy, you can cry. I understand you. Your tears are words that can not find their voice.
Cry mommy, I'm here. I collect every drop of your tears that flows from your eyes, I kiss them and carefully put them in the clouds. Then, make them a rainbow
When you'll see the rainbow, you will understand that I keep safe all your tears... and you will smile
Surely, mommy, someday we'll be together again. and we'll swim in rainbow, laughing and singing..
Don't cry, mommy.

14 comentarii:

  1. Draga mea, ador metafora lacrimilor-curcubeu! Va iubesc mult <3!!!

  2. Eu abia pot gestiona aceste cuvinte..... Iti doresc putere si intelepciune ...pentru fiul tau.
    Te imbratisez...

  3. Cu inima sfaramata, te imbratisez, draga mea!

  4. Offf..:( Sunt sigura ca asa este: fetita ta e acolo, e bine, dar totodata e aici, e cu tine...

  5. Cristina-Olimpia Rus21 decembrie 2013 la 11:51

    Un gand cald si o imbratisare puternica din partea mea...daca ar conta...

    1. multumesc draga mea <3
      si multumesc ca vi pe aici si imi lasi o parte din gandurile tale.
      Conteaza, Cristina.. <3

  6. Draga mea, imi curg lacrimi ori de cate ori iti citesc poeziile...tare mult as vrea se te putem ajuta ..macar putin... Te imbratisez cu drag si iti doresc un sfarsit de an curajos <3

    1. :* Natalia.
      uite , cand vi aici pe taramul meu, si iti lasi aici cuvintele, ma ajuti.. :* crede-ma.
      Multumesc draga mea de urari :*

  7. o parte din ADN oricarui embrion sau fat, o data ce a fost in uterul mamei, va ramane pana la sfarsitul zilelor ei in sangele ei! in organismul ei, in corpul ei...ajunge la inima ei! in fiecare zi!
    ea este cu tine...ele sunt cu tine!

    simte-te imbratisata strans, strans!
